What sudden burst of inspiration could lead to such impulsive behaviour? Very simply; clothes. Oh I know, I know, so materialistic and fickle and what not, but these clothes were especially beautiful, AND they're were specifically tailored for me! Actually, technically, TECHNICALLY, they weren't tailored for me as a person, but they were definitely tailored for my name! Ok, so not MY actual name, but the name of a well known Disney character, also known as The Little Mermaid. But still, I felt a certain kinship to these beautiful clothes, we do share the same name, this character and I, and it is a very unusual and beautiful name. That's my excuse anyway.
So these clothes perfectly and stylishly emmulate Ariel (The Little Mermaid, not me, I have not taken to talking about myself in the third person...), basically we're talking modern interpretations of a cartoon characters style, specifically a purple cardigan, green pumps and BRIGHT red hair (though the hair wasn't part of the original styling that I saw, I improvised a wee bit). Obviously this could only mean one thing, buy a purple cardigan and green pumps, and dye my hair BRIGHT red! This plan of course is so simple and fool proof. Obviously.
My first step was the purple cardi... erm... ok maybe I could move this step down the line, I wasn't really giving up, but after rather a few hours of searching for this cardi with no luck what-so-ever, I moved green pumps up to the first step. Count down another few hours and dying my hair red had moved to the top of the list. So what followed was an intense google search on how to *home* dye hair BRIGHT red. Onwards and upwards!
Two days later the dye was on my hair (*ahem* only a couple pounds down the line), and all that remained was waiting to wash and style (the hair). Oh, yeah, still no luck on the cardi or the shoes. Uhm, right, so the hair was now washed... well. Needless to say it's not exactly what I was expecting. Bright red was definitely involved in the hair... buuut only on the roots. And the rest was dark brown/red. Ok, so I mildly resembled someone with an all over scalp wound... Not ideal, but fixable. Second step: seek immediate help from a hairdresser (no thoughts at this point were spared on the cardigan or the shoes).
Fast forward 3-4 hours and a few more pounds later, and voila! Tick the box on the bright red hair! It's beautiful and lovely, even if I do say so myself. I won't go into detail but there is a lot of hair flicking and mirror glancing going on now. It is really lovely though! Thanks goodness for hairdressers, and lesson learned on not trying something extreme without the help of a professional.
So right now, I've got the name, I've got the hair, I've got the PURPLE CARDI! I'm well on my way to becoming The Little Mermaid! All I need now is my very own blue and yellow fish. Ok yeah, and the whole being a mermaid thing, but we'll gloss over that at this point.
Your hair DOES look gorgeous: all long and RED!